
Cool on your Island

Sunday, July 18, 2004


is your hood ornament on your car of creativity.

Okay so I am a slacker. Do you think today will be the jumping off point to keeping this journal going? Who knows. I did see Tori in December. Twice: once in Utah and once in SD. It was so much fun. Utah was an unexpected concert. We just decided to go.

Little things to note: When Daniel frustrates me I think of the Tori Amos song Operation Peter Pan, "boys can be so dumb sometimes". hehe...

Daniel's cousin, Thomas has been living with us for about 4 months now. That has been stressful but he is moving out soon. Yeah!... Journal writing seems to be a trend right now. Lets hope it stays. I keep on forgetting about this. I have a notebook. But this is easier to type with.

I am writing a novel. Exciting! It is from my control story. Woohoo....

Lets all hope that I will get better at this and stop being such a slacker.

I made daniel laugh a lot yesterday. That always makes me happy.

oh yeah it is raining here in SD. It is humid rain. It makes me think of ice tea and sex. :)

moodalicious: chipper
songalicous: don't know why- norah jones