
Cool on your Island

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

funny phrases

sweet zombie jesus

cheesus crust

Sunday, September 25, 2005


Actors always seem to get the following question:

How do you go from playing X to playing Y?

I wish that just once, an actor would say: Easy, that is what I get paid to do.

Just once. These people are trained at playing different parts. If they can't transition from part X to part Y then they aren't a good actor.


Suggestion for Biography Book Title

William Henry Harrison
A cautionary tale about being a windbag in winter.

Friday, September 16, 2005


Interesting thought: If the Hamburglar stole all of the burgers in McDonaldland that would include mayor McCheese's head.

The headline would read: Hamburglar Burgles Burgers

Also What the F is Grimace?

Friday, September 02, 2005

Word License

Two things:

1. There should be a citizens advisory board for vanity plates. You submit your request for a vanity plates and it goes through two tests 1. for decency- we don't want fuk mi or fuk yu 2. for understanding, if 7 out of the 10 citizens understand your plate then you can have it. Case in point I saw 4 A NUPE yesterday... it doesn't make sense thus the rule must be activated. now... otherwise more brain cells in my head will pop

2. Words for the weekend:

Chitterie-Chatterie- a piece of bread eaten immediately after bathing.
zounderkite- usuall applied to one whoese stupid conduct results in awkward mistakes.
katzenjamer- headache, nausea, etc. following a drinking carousal.

and in case you want to know illude is a word although old in usage it is a word.