
Cool on your Island

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Thinking hard.... dragon booster

So if you decide to go into medicine and your name is, for example, Dr. Gass are you required to become a gastroenterologist. If your name is Dr. Butts should you become a proctologist? I would say that if you don't be the related specialtiy then you would always be asked, So Dr. Heart why are you a peditrician and not a cardiologist? Thought to ponder.

Flesh-tailor is a surgeon. Watching Lizzie Maguire right now she is typing on a computer with a cool flat panel and a cheesy grey keyboard from 1993. Yikes. Don't they know asthetics. heh....

So I am doing journal writing and working so that is up with me. Trying to schedule time to see my best friend.

Moodalicious: Blank
Songalicious: -

Saturday, January 08, 2005

These are the cutest shoes.

Porkchop Womack is a cool name

The last post was a beginning to a story that needs lots of work. Watching football today and the commercials are really funny. Like the verizon one with the dad making his kids shovel snow. So hi-larious. Don't you think? Does everyone run from something? Was Joey right, are there no unselfish good deeds? Can I be all that I can be without joining the army? These are the questions that don't really fill my brain. Just random thoughts that arised from my head. Flesh-tailor is a surgeon. So to use in a sentence: I went to a plastic flesh-tailor to see about getting a boob job.

The people in the apt above us like to move around a lot. And their kid likes to do relays across the floor. I think they know what room we are in. When I am in the bedroom it is really loud on the floor in the bedroom and vice versa in the living room. hmm... what are they doing. We called our last neighbor Sisyphus because it seemed like he was constantly moving things. Maybe they are a family of marathon runners who don't really like the outdoors. or relay racers who are practing passing the baton to each other. I think a family that can all do the same thing is cute. Like softball or playing the piano or robbing banks. Well maybe not the last one. This telecast is copyrighted by the NFL. Just to let you know.

I got to listen to listen to a song from the new Tori Amos album, the Beekeeper. The song I listened to is Hoochie Woman. The song is sooo awesome. I can't wait for the entire album to come out in February. It should be pretty cool.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Some are Dead and some are Living

The trueism of being a medium is that you are never alone. The falseism is that you are plagued by voices all day. So untrue. I get about 4-5 voices a day in my head. And that is a heavy day. Like yesterday there was only one.
A woman who had died Anna Karenina style was trying to let me know that she wanted a puppy. I puppy. Yikes that was morbid. I tried to block her out like I usually do, listening to the Beatles. But not even Fool on a Hill tuned her out. She just kept on moaning about her puppy. So I gave up.
I followed her to the gravesite in where she was buried. And there sitting next to the gravestone was a small Lassie-like dog. "His name is Fuzzles" She said. I looked at his tag and got my cell phone out to call his owners when the woman tried to knock me over. The think with the dead, they think they are still alive. Well most of them do. There actually is a good percentage that knows their place in the schematic of existence. She was not one of those. Another factoid about the unresolved dead: they can't really move shit like you think. You always see the chairs move and that kind of crap. But they rarely can move anything. The most they can do is create a wind and a resemblance of someone being there before. Like smells: perfume, BO, etc. To go off on an another tangent. There was this really stinky man who liked to invade my sleeping time. I would wake up because this horrible smell of cigars and feet would creep up my nose. I would open my eyes and this guy in a ragged trench coat would be peering into my eyes with his glassy brown eyes. Yikes. He reeked and he wouldn't leave until I helped him find a slide whistle from his mother.
So this train wreck tried to knock me over when I was on the phone. All I did was take an extra quick breath. She tried again. This time she got a running start and leaped with all of her might. She fell and I laughed. Sorry. You have been around this enough and you get kind of over the whole ooh 6th senseyness of it all. The dog seemed unphased by the whole experience. She just nuzzled against my leg. Everytime this woman leaped towards me the dog just looked up at me.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Arrow. There they are. Stay Sharp

The tree melts into my hand. I have that power ya know. I can melt things with my eyes. Well that is what Steve says. But Steve’s an ass.

I waited for you with baited breath. I hate clichés. Gather your weapons. Press on. The lord of the rings puppets are clogging my brain. With shaas and horses. Keep your spirits high. I think he is fighting a battle in Rohan. Cuz Rohan is in danger. Well they were before Aragon and the Rohirim kicked some major ass. Yikes I am sounding very much Lord of the Rings dork. Since I am in dork mode. I am trying to get tickets to the Comic Con. Free tickets. So if you want to give me some please do. I know it is like 7 months away but I need to plan how to enact and perfect my dorktitude. There is no beating that. Unless you get a stick and try. But Men of Rohan, swiftly. Scandalous is still a great word. So is haberdasher. I wonder if there are many haberdasher websites out there. I think I already did a search on that word. I would do it myself but I am ever so lazy. Would you be a kind sir and search that word for me? Thanks. It was raining today. And now it is not and now my hand is cold. Just my right hand because that is the one that is the cold hearted bitch. Ahh snap. Be on guard. Run them to the ground. brb Potty Break. Back. I know you missed me. Or did it seem like I was never gone? Hmm… Keep’m at a distance. Brace your weapons. Yikes so much to say and so little room. Heh or little patience to keep on writing. My need to write a creative gem of literary art is calling to me but the idea for the shape and form of the gem is not coming to me. I have the desire but lack the stuff. Hmm… I was writing a story called pony girl but I don’t want to write that.

Moodalicious: recumbent
Songalicious: The Battle for Middle Earth - In the Background