In the land of eclairs and minature rubber duckies
[ | Current Mood | | | ![]() | ] |
[ | Current Music | | | In My Life (The Beatles) [in my head not on the radio or cd or anything, in my head-blech] | ] |
I loathe the SD Transit system. I dislike how I got home an hour late yesterday because the bus I catch likes to pass by my stop 15 min early. I am outside at 4:01 the bus is supposed to come at 4:16. Y'd think I am there in time, but nooo...Yikes. So I spent the first 3 hours of freedom yesterday waiting or on a bus. Then my wonderful hubbie took me out to dinner (yummy). We went to Claim Jumper cuz I wanted a hamburger and yummy soup. My hubbie ended up ordering dessert to take home and got the eclair. It came back to us in a bag with many containers. Two whip cream bowls, one hot fudge bowl, one ice cream bowl, and the eclair. Very interesting. The whip cream is super yummy- btw. I came home and watched Gilmore Girls, read a little and then went to sleep. That was my night. Gilmore Girls was very interesting not terribly good in the spectrum of the show. I loved the Michel parts with the whippersnappers that was hi-larious. The rest was needed plot movement and some was really cute and cool (the Lorelai and Luke parts and the Lane/band memeber parts). I love how the word loathe is stronger in meaning than hate but since it is not used that often or known it has less emphasis than hate. Strange. Maybe it is just me anyways. I am kooked up like that.
I heart the keytar and wish that I had one. Please do not point out that I don't know how to play the guitiar or the keyboard. I don't think it is really necessary. I should learn how to read music. That might be useful. Anyways. I am mentioning all of this, so in case someone is reading this and wants to send me keytar parapehenaila email me at
Stones from the River by Ursula Hegi (started reading 9/29/04)
Interesting. Looking up the exact title and author I found that it was an Oprah book. I got it because I read somewhere it was a banned book and this is Banned Books week. So read a book that is banned and share it with someone. Go to the ALA website to find out more I think it is Hopefully that isn't some freaky sex organization. Oh the book. It is good so far. Kind of slow and kind of sad. I am going to give it two more chapters and then I might just put it down. I am actually reading another book today. (I skip from book to book- i am freakish like that).