
Cool on your Island

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Pick your Superpower: Invisibility or Flight

This is funny and sad at the same time .... http://www.shatnerhasbeen.com/

On the top is a player for the songs just keep on forwarding until u get to "common people" .... It is shatner butchering common people..... It is funny.... really funny... but kind of creeps me out because I didn't realize how much I liked that song because of Jarvis Cockers voice and how sultry it was and hearing shatner I just felt icky.... but it is funny nevertheless...

i have been dealing with so much duality lately... double emotions

red sox: fear and excitement
family situation: angst and the scandalous/soap opera nature that makes me laugh
this song: amusement and creeped out

sigh... it is all good... I have been getting these moments of hyper lucidity (name of my new band)

btw: i love saying the word scandalous... it is so National Enquirer

songalicious: This American Life
moodalicious: lethargic

Saturday, October 16, 2004

Life update: Sister in Law is coming to live with us in a week or so. She will be here until the end of the school year. Her parents are splitting up and so to take her from the hostile environment into our loving environment. Hopefully it helps her and stregthens us.

I have been sick the last couple of days. Feeling better except I can't sleep real good. I slept from about 12am -8am but I still feel tired like I didn't sleep at all last night. But I can't go back to sleep. I don't think it is supposed to rain all day but it is gloomy here. I like it. I like being all bundled up in my sweater and sitting on the comp. We have cleaning we need to do today but I like slacking on the comp. It is fun.

So no fun work stories or much stories at all. Hmm....Things that creep me out. That new show the Backyardigans on Nick (I think) they are creepy. The SD Chicken bobble head my hubbie has. Inflatable creatures with faces: pumpkins, santas, grinches, gorillas. Icky. Bugs double triple icky.

Watched Saved y'day. It is funny. Love the line you are Born Again not Born Agay.. hehe... Cute movie that makes you think.

Saw Jon Stewart on Crossfire. Everyone should watch this. http://www.ifilm.com/filmdetail?ifilmid=26528312

I will finish early so you can watch now.

go watch


songalicious: the wonderful thing about tiggers
moodalicious: cheerful

Monday, October 11, 2004

The school bell will ring soon

[Current Mood | drained]
[Current Music |nothing :(]

More word fun! Svengali is a very cool word. Not only for what it means but that it is also cool to say. I had written an entry to post, however I forgot to save it and now it is gone. Bleh. So much has been happening. Dinner, loafing, family issues. Most of the family issues seem to be at a lull for now but they will rise again.

Saw Fahrenheit 9/11 the other day and that wasn't good. I dunno.... I guess it is effective to some. I knew most of the stuff that was in the film and if I was a Bush supporter (and I am not-icky) I wouldn't be convinced by the movie. I guess it was the way he treated the war footage that disturbed me most. I think by showing some of the first scenes of the soldiers talking was inappropriate. He was creating a negative attitude about them and then trying to glorify them after that seemed strange. I also think the scenes with the recruiters were misleading. They are doing a business and they are going to go where people are going to sign up. I understand that this War is not legitimate and how we should never had been in there but regardless of the situation now the recruiters have always been like that. I think the subject was lightly touched and not fully examined. M. Moore didn't show the other sides of his arguments with respect which is okay but if you want someone to believe your argument you need to treat their views with respect. Playing cutesy songs and using cute graphics and just mocking the right isn't going to work to convince people. I agree in the most part with what he is saying but he seems to want this to be a movie to turn people towards the left and it isn't going to work.

Hmmm I am a Gilmore Girls freak right now. Hehe..Get to leave work in 30 min or so... Yeah!

The Elegant Universe by Brian Greene (started 10/7/04)
First impressions- book is interesting and not boring. I thought it would be as a science book and all but I am actually enjoying it. (I am not that far intothe book)

Friday, October 01, 2004

It's Better Up Here!

[Current Mood | enthralled]
[Current Music |She Bangs (In my head-sigh)]

Where is here and why is it better? No really... I wanna know... Last night I didn't do much else other than watch the Pres Debates. My personal opinion: Kerry rules and Bush sucks. Hehe... I didn't like how Bush wouldn't respond to what Kerry said. He would usually twist it in some way. Kerry thinking we should pull the troops out of Iraq in 6 months and Bush saying that Kerry doesn't support the troops. Yipes. Plus Bush had some open-mouthed-what-the-hell-am-I-going-to-say moments. Nice. Yes I am not a Bush supporter. I do like Kerry. I feel safer if he was president. I don't like someone who makes quick decisions without thinking things through. Let me clarify that, I don't like presidents who do that.

Y'day I also went to see Al Franken on campus. My people. Sitting in an audience of liberals was comforting like a warm blanket in fall. The Frankmeister was broadcasting his radio show on campus and I got the 3 hours off of work to go. Yeah! He was funny, Meg Ryan was there. He did a skit where he was the Wolfman and I understan the need to be the Wolfman for the bit. Cuz you needed to be human and then wolfmanny. However the cheap joke for him would to be Frankenstein. I mean that is an easy one. I wonder sometimes when you make a cheap joke and it is not funny but then there are times where it is really funny. Is there rules governing that?

I have a co-worker that wants to go to Evil School. She is crazy. After more interrogation, I find out that she really just wants to go to practical joke school. Not the I wanna rule the world by blowing up small planets kind of school. That is comforting to know.

You know who I miss? Bob Ross. I really miss his relaxing painting. His happy trees, hippyesque show was very stress relaxing. How did he die again?

Shopgirl by Steve Martin (started and finished 9/30/04) and The Pleasure of My Company by Steve Martin (finished 9/29/04)-
Both books were simple books that were very cute. I really enjoyed how he got into the minds of people and with Shopgirl into the minds of most people in relationships. Both books had the same sense of isolation to them. I think with Shopgirl some of his descriptions were redundant and unnecessary. He kept on describing how others would see Maribelle and I didn't think it was necessary to the story. I know he wanted to show that she was more than a Shopgirl but we get that from the things she does, not by what she wears. I think also trying to emphaize how she is more than a Shopgirl, denigrates people who are just Shopgirls. I know that Maribelle thinks this way but the narrator is omniscient so it is not necessary. Pleasure of my company was much more refined and mathematically interesting. But I guess since it is the mind of a guy I don't identify with it well so I don't hook on to the character as well. In all I think you should read both and see for yourself. He is a really good writer. Don't expect lots of comedy though.