
Cool on your Island

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Show Idea and awesome lineup

So idea for CBS this fall:

Tuesday night one word shows

8p-9p Unit
9p-10p Smith
10p-11p Numbers (I refuse to put the 3 in there)

it is a one word trifecta

So now here is the show idea (property of lushrain inc)


Show about the secret underbelly of horse betting/racing. Like seabiscut meets the sopranos. Or just that one scene from the godfather played three times in a row. Anyways imagine it: beautiful trophy wives laying out in bikinis in del mar. Hat Day. Shady bets. Horses accidently falling. The announcer taking bets. Corrupt side line judges. $10 margarita thrown in somebodys face. It is pure genius.