
Cool on your Island

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Nanowrimo II

I won nanowrimo again this year. Yay. Second novel didn't get done. Got sick, Cooked alot for the holiday, and then got lazy. Hopefully I will finish the zombie story in December. So here is my icon in all of its glory.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Whoohoo I did it!

I have successfully written 50,000 words in 12 days. I am almost done with the first novel and should be able to start the second in a day or two. I am so excited right now. Last night I churned out 10,000 words in 5 hours. My fingers were numb but it was all towards the cause. National Novel Writing Month has been a success so far. Lets see how the editing process goes.

I do feel better about this novel than last years. So I probably will go back and edit it. Yay!

Saturday, November 04, 2006

The only places a girl can respectably wear faerie wings

Renaissance Faires
Tori Amos Concerts

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


So I am doing Nanowrimo again this year. This time my goal but probably won't happen is to write two novels during this month. I started today on my first novel. A story in three parts about a rape fantasy gone horribly wrong. I mean what rape fantasy goes right anyways. But it is challenging to write. I have written about serial killers and pyromaniacs and this is difficult. I am about 5000 words into is as of 7pm and hope to be at least 7-8 thousand before I go to bed. It would be awesome to have this first part done before I hit that pillow but it is becoming more difficult to write because of the content.

If I get to my second novel it is about zombies. What a better way to come out of writing the hardcore to zombies. That would be also a story in three parts. Basically three different views of three different types of zombies. It ranges to the highly functional zombie to the "brains" less fuctional zombie.

I hope I finish one and start the other before this month is out. It will be fast, furious and with out car chases or hot women. Hmm maybe hot women. Who knows